Nominally, “2D arrays” on C, whose elements we can access using the notation F[i][j] are in fact not really arrays, but pointers of pointers. In other words each F[i] is a pointer to a basic type so that (F[i])[j] gives the actual basic element.

To be fair, this is rarely used to describe 2D arrays, even in C. But it can sometimes be used to describe a “collection of arrays”. Under python, on the other hand, a collection of arrays would be naturally described by a list of (say) numpy arrays. So it would be interesting to pass a list of numpy arrays to a c function that uses pointers of pointers.

Using Ctypes to Pass a List of Numpy Arrays as a Pointer of Pointers from Python to C:

Consider the C function defined as:


#include <complex.h>

void testabssum(complex **F, double *res, int n, int N){
  int j,l;
  for (j=0;j<n;j++){
    for (l=0;l<N;l++){

which basically takes a collection of complex arrays and sums these absolute values of these arrays element by element and returns the result in the (pre-allocated) output array “res”. The size of the arrays are defined by n, while the size of the collection if defined by N.

Imagine we have a list of arrays in python, defined as follows:

import numpy as np


f=np.array([l+1j*(l+1) for l in range(n)])
g=np.array([l+1j*(2*l+1) for l in range(n)])
h=np.array([l+1j*(3*l+1) for l in range(n)])
r=np.array([l+1j*(4*l+1) for l in range(n)])


In order to pass this list to the C function we need to transform it to a ctypes type that describes a pointer of pointers. Normally it is a pointer of pointers to complex numbers, but in fact we can use POINTER(POINTER(c_double)) without any problem for this.

from ctypes import cdll,c_uint,c_double,POINTER
from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer

libcpy = cdll.LoadLibrary('./')

Fp=(POINTER(c_double)*len(F))(*[l.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double)) for l in F])



res= [  4.          14.62047078  25.49037043  36.39774368  47.31770174
  58.24338341  69.17214463  80.10275171  91.034552   101.96716796
 112.90036609 123.83399422 134.76794896 145.70215759 156.63656749
 167.57113963 178.50584446 189.44065921 200.37556601 211.31055069]

which can be verified by computing the same thing in python by np.sum(np.abs(np.array(F)),axis=0)