Say we want to implement a pseudo-spectral solver for 2D Navier-Stokes + passive scalar problem. The problem have two nonlinearities that we need to compute using convolutions. We need to figure out how to do that in a compact way using multiplier functions. We also need to understand the form of the wave-number array so that we can use them to compute derivatives.
The Passive Scalar Problem
The equations are:
\[\begin{equation}\label{eq:phi}\tag{1} \begin{split} \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\nabla^{2}\Phi & + \hat{\mathbf{z}}\times\nabla\Phi\cdot\nabla\nabla^{2}\Phi=\nu\nabla^{4}\Phi\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial t}n & +\hat{\mathbf{z}}\times\nabla\Phi\cdot\nabla n=D\nabla^{2}n \end{split} \end{equation}\]This means that we need to compute the two nonlinearities, for example as:
\[\begin{equation}\label{eq:nl}\tag{2} \begin{split} \left[\hat{\mathbf{z}}\times\nabla\Phi\cdot\nabla\nabla^{2}\Phi\right]_{k} & =-k_{x}k_{y}\left(u^{2}-v^{2}\right)+\left(k_{x}^{2}-k_{y}^{2}\right)uv \\ \left[\hat{\mathbf{z}}\times\nabla\Phi\cdot\nabla n\right]_{k} & =ik_{y}nu-ik_{x}nv \end{split} \end{equation}\]where \(u=\partial_{x}\Phi\) and \(v=\partial_{y}\Phi\), using centered hermitian symmetric convolutions, which implies wave-vectors of the form:
where xcomp is the boolean variable which specifies whether the underlying arrays are compact or not in the x direction and dkx and dky are the fourier space grid element sizes. Usually one defines the system size using the variables Lx and Ly, which implies
Now in order to compute the two nonlinear terms of \eqref{eq:nl} using fftw++, we need to use three inputs and four outputs (or vice versa with a slightly different formulation) resulting in 7 fourier transforms per stage (as opposed to 8 which would be required for 6 inputs and 2 outputs one would need with the explicit forms). Disadvantage of this formulation is that we need to compute the nonlinear terms using the convolutions that we computed here, whereas in the explicit formulation the convolutions that we compute are directly the nonlinear terms.
3 input 4 output Advection (multadvection34):
In order to compute the two nonlinear terms in \label{eq:nl}, we use a multiplier function that will compute
with the input variables F[:][j]=u,v,n. This can be implemented in C++ starting from multadvection2 in and modifying by adding the necessary terms as follows. Here I show only the non sse2 part of the routine, the full function can be found in
void multadvection34(double **F, unsigned int m,
const unsigned int indexsize,
const unsigned int *index,
unsigned int r, unsigned int threads)
double* F0=F[0];
double* F1=F[1];
double* F2=F[2];
double* F3=F[3];
#ifdef __SSE2__
for(unsigned int j=0; j < m; ++j) {
double u=F0[j];
double v=F1[j];
double n=F2[j];
We need to add the decalaration and the necessary functions to initialize and compute the convolution to the header file:
realmultiplier multadvection34;
ImplicitHConvolution2MPI* fftwpp_create_hconv2d_mpi_adv34(split &dg,split &du,
bool xcomp, bool ycomp, double __complex__ *g){
unsigned int nx=dg.X,ny=(dg.Y-1)*2+xcomp;
unsigned int nyp=ny/2+1;
unsigned int mx=(nx+1)/2;
unsigned int my=(ny+1)/2;
return new ImplicitHConvolution2MPI(mx,my,xcomp,ycomp,dg,du,(Complex *)g,dfoptions,3,4);
void fftwpp_hconv2d_mpi_convolve_adv34(ImplicitHConvolution2MPI* hconv, double __complex__ *f, double __complex__ *g, double __complex__ *h, double __complex__ *r) {
Complex *G[]={(Complex *)f,(Complex *)g, (Complex *)h, (Complex *)r};
and finally the necessary wrappers to the python file:
clib.fftwpp_create_hconv2d_mpi_adv34.restype = c_void_p
clib.fftwpp_create_hconv2d_mpi_adv34.argtypes =[c_void_p,c_void_p,
c_bool, c_bool,
ndpointer(dtype = np.complex128)]
clib.fftwpp_hconv2d_mpi_convolve_adv34.argtypes = [ c_void_p,
ndpointer(dtype = np.complex128),
ndpointer(dtype = np.complex128),
ndpointer(dtype = np.complex128),
ndpointer(dtype = np.complex128) ]
with all these we can call the wrapped python functions written (in a simpler form than what appears in the actual file) as follows:
f[int(not xcomp):,:]=np.array([[l+1j*(m+dg.y0) for m in range(dg.y)] for l in range(dg.X-int(not xcomp)) ])
g[int(not xcomp):,:]=np.array([[2*l+1j*(m+dg.y0+1) for m in range(dg.y)] for l in range(dg.X-int(not xcomp))])
h[int(not xcomp):,:]=np.array([[3*l+1j*(m+dg.y0+2) for m in range(dg.y)] for l in range(dg.X-int(not xcomp))])
which prints out the following:
f= [[ 922.+240.j 668.+324.j 442.+300.j 208.+240.j]
[1333.+220.j 1008.+316.j 677.+340.j 336.+324.j]
[1816.+140.j 1396.+286.j 960.+382.j 512.+436.j]
[2343. +0.j 1826.+234.j 1294.+426.j 748.+576.j]
[1816.-140.j 1496.+118.j 1164.+346.j 820.+544.j]
[1333.-220.j 1184. +44.j 1025.+288.j 856.+512.j]
[ 922.-240.j 908. +12.j 886.+252.j 856.+480.j]]
g= [[ 696.+240.j 483.+306.j 302.+300.j 125.+240.j]
[ 988.+205.j 722.+309.j 464.+345.j 211.+321.j]
[1328.+125.j 993.+289.j 658.+388.j 329.+424.j]
[1698. +0.j 1292.+246.j 886.+429.j 487.+549.j]
[1328.-125.j 1063.+127.j 798.+334.j 539.+496.j]
[ 988.-205.j 846. +41.j 704.+257.j 567.+443.j]
[ 696.-240.j 653. -12.j 610.+198.j 571.+390.j]]
h= [[1012.+336.j 710.+432.j 452.+420.j 194.+336.j]
[1442.+290.j 1064.+434.j 693.+482.j 322.+450.j]
[1944.+178.j 1466.+404.j 982.+542.j 498.+596.j]
[2491. +0.j 1910.+342.j 1322.+600.j 734.+774.j]
[1944.-178.j 1570.+176.j 1190.+470.j 810.+704.j]
[1442.-290.j 1248. +58.j 1049.+366.j 850.+634.j]
[1012.-336.j 962. -12.j 908.+288.j 854.+564.j]]
r= [[1908. +528.j 1365. +702.j 886. +660.j 403. +528.j]
[2746. +475.j 2054. +691.j 1360. +751.j 661. +711.j]
[3728. +299.j 2839. +631.j 1930. +844.j 1015. +952.j]
[4798. +0.j 3708. +522.j 2602. +939.j 1489.+1251.j]
[3728. -299.j 3041. +265.j 2342. +754.j 1637.+1168.j]
[2746. -475.j 2410. +95.j 2064. +615.j 1713.+1085.j]
[1908. -528.j 1851. +12.j 1786. +522.j 1717.+1002.j]]
We can verify the last two by computing usual binary convolutions, which I find unneccessary to show here. It seems these are indeed correct.